Scott's : Current News

11:27 PM

Hot trends for April 16, 2008

Latest commercial property news provided by Devono

Wed, 16 Apr 2008 06:45:41 PDT
News area for the following categories Property Finance Planning, Development and Construction, London Office Marketplace, Green Issues and Office Trends. I use this to keep up to date with the current commercial property market place.

Dallas Morning News Wine Competition results (Dallas Morning News)

Wed, 16 Apr 2008 14:51:47 PDT
The Dallas Morning News Latest News page contains stories about the Dallas-Fort Worth area and stories of broad interest to Texans.

COD4 April 16 Wrap-up

Wed, 16 Apr 2008 18:15:45 PDT
The Call of Duty 4 news of today all wrapped up in a neat package.

ABC News: Hillary Clinton's Negatives at Record High

Wed, 16 Apr 2008 18:25:35 PDT
Senator Hillary Clinton's negative ratings go through the roof. "A record high of 54 percent of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of the New York senator, according to the ABC News/Washington Post poll."

Cincinnati Zoo Brings a Bearcat Back to Cincinnati

Wed, 16 Apr 2008 18:03:24 PDT
Nicknamed the world's "sexiest" zoo, the Cincinnati Zoo has obtained a 3-month-old binturong, a type of civet cat. Zoo Executive Director Thane Maynard (aka the "90 Second Naturalist") says, "We're back in the bearcat business!" That's good news to the University of Cincinnati, whose mascot is the Cincinnati Bearcat. Enter the contest to name her!

20 Million People Household Cleaners Cause Health Effects

Wed, 16 Apr 2008 18:16:27 PDT
Video News report on how the chemicals in household cleaners can affect your reproductive, endocrine, and immune system. This is motivation to switch cleaners to a safer clean.

Microsoft hits back at Google with Live Search News (CNET)

Wed, 16 Apr 2008 04:22:57 PDT
As a part of the "Rome" release, the Live Search team has a new News product, positioned to compete with Google News.

Design Your Own

Tue, 15 Apr 2008 23:03:08 PDT
Don't fall for the new release of Louis'll be tired of it after a month and will want something else. Do your own thing and go against the flow. Design your own insulated tote bag to carry your water, perhaps the baby's bottle and some fresh fruit snacksGreat for employees and lots of ad space for corporate logo. Lead the trend!

Ron Paul on Bailing Out Banks

Wed, 16 Apr 2008 17:08:10 PDT
There has been a lot of talk in the news recently about the Federal Reserve and the actions it has taken over the past few months. Many media pundits have been bending over backwards to praise the Fed for supposedly restoring stability to the market.

If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them! Comcast Pro P2P

Wed, 16 Apr 2008 06:34:30 PDT
Just weeks after Comcast announced the collaboration with BitTorrent, when they promised to reconfigure their network management practices to adjust to today’s trends, it’s Pando Networks’ turn to shake hands with Comcast for a “P2P ..

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5:21 PM

Biggest Loser Winner: Ali Vincent

TransWorldNews (press release), USA- Apr 16, 2008
For the first time in the history of Biggest Loser, a woman took home the winning title. Ali Vincent lost a total of 112 pounds and won the $250,000 grand prize.

Allison �Ali� Vincent weighed 234 lbs. when she first went on the show. The 32-year-old hairstylist lost 47.86 percent of her total body weight, leaving her at 122 lbs.

�I�m overwhelmed. I knew I could do it and I did,� she told People magazine.

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12:36 PM

Tricia Walsh Smith Vents Youtube Divorce

HULIQ (press release), USA

Tricia Walsh Smith Vents Youtube Divorce

Not only is Youtube (Web Video) good for sharing Music Videos and TV Broadcasts segments, but apparently its a great tool to use when trashing soon-to-be estranged spouses as Tricia Walsh Smith invents new style of divorce: Youtube Divorce.

Former actress and playwright ("Bonkers") Tricia Walsh-Smith, vented ALL of her frustrations out against her husband, Philip Smith, President of the Shubert Organization, the largest theater owner on Broadway, on Youtube.

Famous Divorce Raoul Felder who represents Tricia Walsh Smith says, "The situation is funny but Divorce isn't". "This is a victim who is holding her head up. I think she comes off well."

On the taping of this already famous YouTube Divorce video Smith bashes family members who gave her hell and tells the world how her husband, is allegedly trying to evict her from their luxury apartment.

Tricia Walsh Smith also makes embarrassing claims regarding their intimate life, and then calls his office on camera to repeat those claims to a stunned assistant in the divorce video put on YouTube.

Norman Sheresky, a Partner in the Matrimonial Law firm Sheresky Aronson Mayesfsky & Sloan says, "I don't think it's the kind of thing people should be doing, and it's the kind of thing judges frown upon".

"This is absolutely a new step, and I think it's scary," said Bonnie Rabin, a divorce lawyer who has handled high-profile cases. "People used to worry about getting on Page Six (the gossip page of the New York Post). But this? It brings the concept of humiliation to a whole new level."

To date Tricia Walsh Smith's YouTube Video (below) has been seen by more than 150,000 viewers.

Source: By VoteMeCool 2008

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